Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Bad day

Lightning's not supposed to strike twice at the same place but after my first experience with food poisoning accompanied by fever last month, I got it again starting last night.

I was at Midvalley for a late business meeting and only grabbed my dinner at it ended at 9pm. I didn't want something heavy so late and so just bought a couple of sausage buns from Breadtalk...

I woke up at 2am with bad nausea leading to vomiting and diarrhea, and spent the rest of the night half awake because of the nausea, waking up a further two times for diarrhea.

In the morning, the body aches started and I could feel a fever coming as well. But I realised that I had left my laptop at work because I didn't want to bring it along to my night meeting at Midvalley. I had too much work to catch up and so I made the stupid call to go into the office.

I took the train and walked to work from the station, cramping twice in my upper thigh from the loss of electrolytes. The fever got worse throughout the day and my arms and legs felt like they were going to fall off from the deep aches in every muscle in my body.

I barely made it to 5pm but as I packed up to leave the office, one of KL's typical monsoon thunderstorms hit and it was either get drenched swimming to the station or stay back late at the office.

Once again, I stupidly decided to...that's right, walk to the station. I had told my parents that I'd be bringing over the baby to let them play with her and it's such a highlight to their day that I didn't want to cancel on them.

So I walked through flash floods on the roads which came halfway up my shins and found out something interesting; my leather shoes don't leak when they are filled with water. When I stood in the train later on, no water pooled out from my shoes but my shoes were half-full with water. Interesting, isn't it?

Bearing in mind that I was sporting a fever and was aching tremendously with the occasional squeal-inducing cramp, the water and the cold didn't make it much better. I finally made it to the train station where my wife would pick me up and she looked even worse than me; pale and nauseous, and I found out later she had vomited four times already that day (they really shouldn't call it morning sickness if it happens all day for some women).

So I took over the wheel and drove back. It went smoothly from there...except for having to stop halfway home to let my wife vomit on the sidewalk. In the rain. I had to scramble for an umbrella and it must have been quite a sight for the cars going past - a woman hunched over vomiting and a terribly sick looking husband holding an umbrella over her head, where they may have also noticed that my pants were soaked almost to my knees. Yes, a very pretty image indeed.

We reached my parents' house, and then both my wife and I proceeded to fall on two separate couches where we remained, half-dead, for the hour and a half that my parents had their fun with their granddaughter before we headed home to sleep and end the nightmare of a day.

Thank God it's over.


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