Sunday, April 7, 2013

Exercise update, Week 13 & 14

It's been such a busy stretch that I haven't updated for awhile, and before I knew it, two weeks had passed since my last exercise post so I'm just going to combine two updates into one.

Here is a summary for the last two weeks.
  • Monday: Rest day
  • Tuesday: 35 minutes run (morning), 30 minutes gym (evening)
  • Wednesday: 30 minutes gym
  • Thursday: 35 minutes run
  • Friday: Rest day
  • Saturday: 40 minutes Insanity Plyometric Circuit
  • Sunday: Rest day
  • Monday: 35 minutes gym
  • Tuesday: Rest day
  • Wednesday: 40 minutes Insanity Cardio Power & Resistance
  • Thursday: 35 minutes gym
  • Friday: 30 minutes gym
  • Saturday: Rest day
  • Sunday: 25 minutes gym

There were good and bad points from the last two weeks. The good thing is that I managed to maintain a minimum of my targeted three workouts a week. Another good thing is that I got the courage to start Insanity again after an extended break, and only because my Insanity buddy is starting it again. The bad thing is that I've been feeling rather drained of energy in most of my gym sessions. In the second Insanity session, I gave up halfway as well because I was about to throw up - at least it gives me a starting point to get better.

The only gym workout I was happy with was on the second Monday, where I really pushed with deadlifts and squats, four sets each - if anyone says that you can't get a good cardio workout doing weights, they just haven't pushed hard enough. I did a light 10-minute jog to warm up, then started on the deadlifts before the squats with 30-45 seconds rest in between, and I was pouring and dripping sweat like a waterfall. It was a really good workout and I really pushed on the squats although I used the Smith machine since there's no squat rack in my apartment gym.

At some point, I'm going to need to start doing more running because the Standard Chartered run is coming up in less than two months, and I really want to be able to beat my Brooks time for the half marathon. I find that when I run, I don't need to be in 'peak condition', compared to when I go to the gym. Even if I'm fatigued and haven't been having a good sleep, I can just slow down the pace but still have a good sweat out. But if I go to the gym in the same condition, I can't lift heavy at all and the workout loses much of its effectiveness.

Let's see if I can run a minimum of twice a week from next week until the June race.


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