Sunday, April 14, 2013

Exercise update, Week 15

As targeted, I managed to ramp up my running routine this week at the cost of cutting back on gym time. In these over two months before the Stand Chart run, I hope that I don't end up skinnier and with less muscle mass. But after the Brooks experience, I realise that I need to approach running a little more seriously than just 'winging' it because getting through Brooks was absolute torture.

To prove just how serious I am about training, I wore special running shorts (shown in the picture above), guaranteed to increase speed...especially when you want to get away from people quickly to hide your embarrassment. My parents just came back from holiday in Krabi and I don't know why my mom thought that I would like not one, not two, but three of these wonderful shorts for my wardrobe. And since I'm not generally someone who cares about my appearance or wardrobe, I thought to wear it out - I didn't realise how absurd I looked until my wife took a picture of me heading out.

The important question now, is whether I'll wear them for the official run in June...

Back to more relevant matters, here is how the week went.
  • Monday: 10km run
  • Tuesday: Rest day
  • Wednesday: Rest day
  • Thursday: 10km run
  • Friday: 40 minutes gym
  • Saturday: Rest day
  • Sunday: 40 minutes hiking (morning), 6km jog (evening)

Other than the week of the Brooks run, I don't recall ever running 26km or more in any given week and so I think it was a good start to my training. On Thursday, it was particularly enjoyable because I decided to run in the rain after unsuccessfully waiting for it to stop, and it wasn't one of those humid days; it was just refreshingly cooling with light rain throughout. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Then on Sunday, it was more like a recovery run because I approached it very leisurely and bumped into friends at the park - I decided to stop and catch up with them for 20 minutes and in the end, had to rush back for dinner plans with both my parents and parents-in-law.

I was rather happy with Friday's run because I managed to fulfill another one of my fitness goals for the year - to run 5km in less than 25 minutes. The pace that I maintained over 7.56km would have allowed me to run the 5km in under 22 minutes. My revised goal for December is to run it in under 20 minutes and that will definitely challenge me throughout the year.

On Sunday, I was aching badly from the badminton tournament - almost every body was in terribly calves, quads, hamstrings, glutes, lower and upper back, shoulders and abs. This is what happens when you push in a sport which you haven't played for a long time, working muscles in ways they are not used to. I forced myself to go to the gym and focused on the only body part which wasn't aching - my chest.

Friday was supposed to be set aside for running with my colleagues and we all made our way to the park in one car in the evening but it started raining the moment we reached, so we headed back to my apartment gym instead. I'm glad I did because I could squeeze in my one gym session for the week. In order to try to make it count, I opted to just focus on the two heaviest lifts - deadlift and squats - but only managed to push out enough energy for three sets of each, which was at least better than nothing.

In the coming week, it's going to be quite busy but I'm going to target one session of gym and two sessions of running.


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