Sunday, April 21, 2013

Exercise update, Week 16

I thought that I had been keeping myself relatively fit and was feeling pretty good about it...that is, until this weekend when I decided to start basketball again.

I just found out the inter-church sports event was coming up again and spontaneously decided to go for the tryouts although I hadn't touched a basketball since the tournament last year. And even so, I spent most of my time cheering from the bench.

The tryouts took place on both Saturday and Sunday, and to my memory, I don't remember aching so painfully for many, many years. I've realised that only doing running and gym sessions doesn't prepare you for competitive sports at all - running is steady, linear cardio, and the gym builds up strength without really targeting cardio unless you're doing circuits without rest in between.

A sport like basketball involves a lot of stop-start sprints up and down the court, and constant jumping power and stamina both on defense and offense. 10 minutes into the practice and I was truly smashed. I spent the weekend limping around because of the strain it put especially on my hamstrings, and it definitely didn't help that I decided to do deadlifts and squats on the Friday before...

Here is how the week went.
  • Monday: Rest day
  • Tuesday: Rest day
  • Wednesday: Rest day
  • Thursday: Rest day
  • Friday: 40 minutes gym
  • Saturday: 1.5 hours basketball
  • Sunday: 1.5 hours basketball

It was a very busy week and I barely managed to do the minimum three workouts, needing the weekend to catch up. Part of the reason why I was aching so much was also because I squeezed in three intense workouts back-to-back across three days. I didn't manage to do any running at all, and I'm seriously starting to worry about whether I'll be prepared for the Stan Chart run...

In the coming week, it's going to be even busier, and I hope that I'll be able to get in my three sessions. At the very least, I want to try to be able to do two runs. At this rate, I'm starting to accept that if I'm not able to satisfactorily train in the next two months, I'll not target to do the half marathon in sub two hours and just look to finish it within two hours 15 minutes.

I think I'm being pulled in too many directions with all the things coming up - whether to train for Viper, the marathon, the basketball tournament or my personal goal of getting some muscle gains. At the same time, work is getting far busier and things are coming up for church and ministry, not to mention the birth of my second child in...just over a month's time.

It's probably time to get realistic and just be satisfied with three good sessions of exercise a week. What a bummer.


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