Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A love song

Wow. This is amazing.

A 96-year-old man writes a song for his wife who passed away a year ago. Realising that he didn't have the musical talent to bring it to life, he decided to submit it to a studio where he saw an ad for a singer-songwriting competition. Touched by his story, the studio decides to produce the song professionally.

This short documentary captures the process.

Oh Sweet Lorraine
I wish we could do
The good times
All over again

Oh sweet Lorraine
Life only goes around
But never again

Oh sweet Lorraine
I wish we could do
All the good times all over

My memories will always
Linger on
Oh sweet Lorraine

The memories will
Always linger on

I have to be honest - when the song started, I struggled to hold back tears and had goosebumps all over. It so beautifully captured the man's last love letter to his wife of 75 years who in his words, is "the prettiest girl [he] ever saw".

I hope that Sarah and I continue to enjoy and appreciate the good times in our lives together through every season. There's no other person in the world I could imagine growing old with and building a family together.

I thank God every time I remember that it was He who brought us together, and I'm so grateful.


  1. I remember taking this picture. It's one of my favourite of you guys.

    1. It's one of my favourite too. :) Thanks for helping us capture the moment.
