Friday, April 1, 2011

New season

I'm in the midst of making a pretty critical decision in regards to my work and career. I really hope that it's the right one.

I've now been with my current department ever since 2005 and except for a six month break where I tried out starting a business full time, I've been in the same place, doing the same things and learning within the same scope.

There are things I particularly enjoy about where I am, mainly in management, because working with people is so dynamic and requires so many qualities which I like to try to build in myself and get exposed to. However, in terms of technical expertise, I know my current department like the back of my hand and find it hard to learn anything else on a technical level.

I've just made contact with another department and have proposed a switch in my current role to an area which I have had no experience with, and the position also does not have any management responsibilities. It is a relatively new department with only one person in it currently, making it a grand total of two if and when I join.

I really believe God opened the doors and provided His favour and grace for this opportunity but at the same time I have so many concerns as well.

The baby is coming along and the new role will definitely be more challenging, allowing me less time and energy with my family - some things will have to give. I will be going in at pretty much an entry level again and learning things from scratch, meaning that net income will most likely be less - especially taking into account parking and driving to downtown KL.

But somehow, I feel it's the right choice and the right time...and praying about it, I haven't felt any red flags about going ahead with it. Rather, I've had a sense of peace about it.

So all the worries I'm having is related to the earthly side of me thinking about the logistics of working in a different location, the time and energy required, and the fear of a brand new, unexplored area...especially when compared to the comfort of where I am right now.

Time to light the fire again.

Whoever said life should be comfortable?


  1. What? You're leaving too?! O_O

  2. Haha. Still not decided yet. We shall find out in a few weeks, yea? :P
