Monday, June 20, 2011

The greedy peanut

That' baby girl.

You would think that being able to get a new ultrasound every month would make me a bit bored of watching after awhile. But with every new one, I love watching it over and over again hoping I pick up more details about who she is.

I love this latest video. She's at 28 weeks. You can see her face so clearly...and my heart melts every time I look at her. She was lying still enough so we didn't have to do the 3D imaging to get a better view of her face.

I'm sometimes embarrassed when I wonder how she would feel if she knew I were always looking at her so intently every time I get the chance...

Almost as though I shouldn't be able to see her until she's ready to meet the world...

As though I didn't even give her the chance to do her make up and get her nails done before I started peaking in on her.

But she's there on the screen. And she's beautiful. And she's perfect.

World, let me introduce you to the second, amazing princess in my life. Please forgive her if she sticks her tongue out at you. It just means she's thinking about food.

She's cute, isn't she?


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