Monday, July 11, 2011


There are so many poignant pieces of writing and shared experiences relating to the Bersih event, and I'm not going to bother trying to write a beautifully composed piece. But I am going to share a few of my thoughts because it really meant something to me.

It's been a long time since I felt any sense of hope for this country to have positive change and although I keep myself abreast with the developments and news, I also maintain a rather jaded and numb mindset. But seeing the events unfold last weekend brought me to a place of belief again.

Time and time again, the government has proven itself to lack integrity, and I believe that the biggest long-term impact of the Bersih event, is that the public is once again reminded of the complete lack of credibility in their nation's leadership.

And justifiably so.

Even for those who remain skeptical, reading the news, hearing the first hand experiences, and seeing the pictures and videos of what actually took place, reminds everyone about the truth and reality of the situation.

The result is a progressive erosion of trust, deep disappointment and a raw sense of betrayal from the government to the people it is supposed to serve. And really at some point, even the biggest skeptic will begin to ask, "How much more?".

I'm not necessarily supporting the opposition. In many instances, they are known to be as corrupt as the incumbents and at the same time, the coalition is not properly united and equipped to smoothly facilitate leadership. And I'm not necessarily for Anwar either - I think he is a bit of a snake and given half the chance, his true colours may reveal themselves.

But I would like to stand for truth, balance and accountability. And that's what having a true two party system does. Human nature doesn't show its best when there is a lack of accountability whether in normal life, in business or in politics. Even the best of us will be corrupted by greed and power without accountability, so what I'm ultimately against is the continued propagation of a horrendously flawed system even in the face of clear evidence showing that it is fundamentally wrong.

The incumbents have grown too arrogant beyond belief and it has gone too far. Not only are the mistakes themselves carried out blatantly, but the reactions and responses of our leaders continue to escalate those mistakes to a far greater and deeper level. It happens over and over, and you can literally smell the arrogance of those who appear to believe that they will never be held accountable for their ongoing blunders and infractions...that they are above the law and the people they serve.

Credibility has been utterly and irreparably destroyed.

Accountability and truth are needed.

Change is needed.


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