Monday, August 22, 2011

Full term

Week 37 is finally here.

The baby is now considered full term even though the expected due date is three weeks away. This means that if the delivery happened today, the baby is likely to be able to breathe on her own with fully developed lungs.

Everyone’s been saying that the delivery will be early and expect it to be this week or next week, but my personal preference is the first week of September. At this point, the baby’s head hasn’t even ‘engaged’ in the correct position in the pelvis yet and I hope it happens soon.

I’m not really handling this last stretch all that well, honestly. Everything feels so transitory and uncertain.

After over two months, I’m far from settled in the new job and am still feeling my way through like a blindfolded elephant in a China shop. I always knew that it would be a steep learning curve but I thought I would be able to leverage more on my current strengths, rather than develop a whole new set of strengths or try to force my weaknesses into strengths.

At first, I wanted to wrap up moving to a new home before the delivery, but I haven’t even found a buyer for the old home or gotten the full loan approval and documentation done up for the new place yet…and after all this is completed, there’s still the renovation, packing and moving of furniture and boxes, unpacking and cleaning up. It will be probably be November before I manage to get everything set up.

In the meantime, we’ve temporarily moved into the in-law’s house in preparation for the delivery and confinement.

Sometimes, I think that stability is underrated for the sake of progress.

There are some events in life which are rather big and having too many happen together can be too overwhelming. Situations such as marriage, changing career or vocation, quitting your job and starting a business, having a baby, or losing a loved one can introduce a significant change in your lifestyle. Having two or more happen at the same time, and chances are one of them may break.

At this point, while I wait for the arrival of my daughter, there’s nothing I want more than to be settled in my job and in a home, both of which are not going to happen until close to the end of the year.

And all the while, she’s just swimming inside there completely insulated and oblivious to the hectic preparation for her birthday.


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