Thursday, October 27, 2011


What a year it has been.

2011 has truly been one of the most eventful years in my life. Coming after an absolutely amazing 2010, it would have been heard to beat that…and to be honest, it didn’t.

2010 was a year when just about everything good decided to consolidate in my life after years of toiling in areas such as marriage, job, career, family relationships and spiritual development.

But if you climb up to a mountaintop, at some point, you have to climb back down again. Life can’t always be a bed of roses as it would stifle our growth and development, and also act as a barrier to us appreciating life and not take anything for granted.

Although it’s been a rough year, over the last four days in the church retreat, the experiences for the year finally came together to be pushed through the filter of the Holy Spirit. I’ve begun to understand some of the things I need to learn, not just in my head, but in my heart.

To praise God in the middle of a storm with no inhibitions or restraint – you’re not always able to rise above the storm and need to go through it.

To be truly content with my finances even though it never seems enough, and knowing that my family and I have never lacked.

To honour God with excellence in the workplace even though I sometimes don’t see the purpose of my work and how I fit into my job.

To remember daily that I have the most amazing and caring wife in the world.

To realise the miracle of life I have been blessed with every moment that I spend with my beautiful daughter.

To sit at the feet of Jesus and know that it is better than a thousand days elsewhere.

I’m grateful…and I pray that I can finish the last two months of this year strong.


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