Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The very best?

The fastest way to going broke as a new parent is to constantly go with the mindset of, ‘It’s OK – she deserves the very best’.

Not that your baby doesn’t deserve the best.

She deserves the best of your time. She deserves your attention and your care. She deserves doting parents who make sure that when she cries (the only way she can communicate at this age), she knows she can find comfort, food and protection from pain and discomfort.

She deserves parents who make sure they take care of their relationship and marriage. And parents who pray for her even as they trust in God to take care her.

But she doesn’t necessarily need the best items. She doesn’t need first-hand items unless her safety is compromised by broken equipment. She doesn’t need the best pampers or the prettiest clothing. She doesn’t need the most expensive milk powder or every appliance that can be found in the baby store ‘just in case she needs it’.

A parent’s mindset should really be ‘It’s OK – she deserves what we can afford’. In periods when money isn’t tight, it can be utilised. But at times when money is tight, then there’s no need to take out that credit card – you’ll find you can be well-covered with far less than you expected.

I don’t think I’ve bought any clothes for Natalie yet (the wife may have bought just a few during her pregnancy to keep her spirits up when her back ached or when anticipating the delivery) – the presents given more than cover the first six months now of the baby’s size. I only have to consider buying more when she’s older and grown out of her current clothes.

I got a second-hand pram and baby seat. The cot is a cheap one from a furniture shop in Puchong. The bottles weren’t cheap but I only got 3 for now. I didn’t buy a thermometer and if I do, I might just get the cheap armpit one rather than the expensive forehead skin reader. I didn’t get a fancy camera or video camera to capture every moment although it’s rather tempting. I didn’t get a bottle steriliser and rely on boiling in a pot instead.

So go with the flow. If there’s really not enough, cut back and don’t spend for the sake of ‘providing the very best for her’ all the time. Make more time to spend with her instead. Stay home more since you can’t afford eating out or entertainment anyway.


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