Monday, October 31, 2011

Letter 4 (N)

Dear Natalie,

This is the first letter I’m writing to you where you are outside of mommy’s stomach.

I just want you to know that being your father has been the most exciting, wonderful and powerful experience of my life so far although it does get challenging and tiring at times.

I know that most people would have advised to wait until my career and finances were more stable, for mommy’s studies to be over and her ministry established, and particularly to enjoy the first few years of marriage before the children come along.

But I have a confession to make: I want you to know that the secret desire of my heart was to have a baby as soon as possible.

And no matter how tough it has been over the past seven weeks, I have not once regretted having you at this point of time.

It has been amazing being able to hold you in my arms and if I could I would do it 24 hours a day. Even mommy’s shocked that I don’t mind spending all my spare time with you and holding you…to the point where I think you’re getting rather spoilt but I think it’s OK until you grow a bit older.

It’s probably one of the most precious feelings in the world when you lie in my chest and sleep with complete trust and comfort. No matter how many times it happens, it still threatens to make me tear up each time.

I don’t know why everyone keeps saying that I’m biased. Objectively speaking, you’re undoubtedly the most adorable and cutest baby in the entire world. There cannot be any baby that is more gorgeous. I’m sorry but I’m quite certain of it.

Can’t everyone see what I see when I look at you?

Good thing you got your beautiful looks from your mom. And I’m guessing you’re going to get your smarts and sporting ability from yours truly.

In the previous letters, I couldn’t wait to meet you. Nowadays, I can’t wait to see you grow up bit by bit and seeing the new things you’re going to do day by day.

I don’t want to miss a thing.




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