Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Rain running

I've been hearing some of my friends talk about running in the rain, about how enjoyable it was and so I decided to try it for myself.


I'm honestly not that crazy about running.

But today was the first time I did it although it was not intentional at all. And it was great.

The last couple of weeks there's been a usual pattern of extremely heavy rain in the late afternoon, which then starts to clear up in the evening. During the days I go to pick up the baby, if I arrive before 6:30pm, I usually go for a half hour jog around the neighbourhood. I would be able to get back, shower and have dinner with my in-laws by 7:15pm and then go home with my daughter.

It's been quite enjoyable to jog after the rain because I'd jog to the park nearby and it would be very cool and misty, which is perfect weather to run.

Today, it rained heavily in the late afternoon. The rain stopped when I walked to the LRT after work, and then started up again when my wife picked me up from the train station. When I got to my in-laws' house, it had just about stopped raining at 6:45pm.

I got changed and ran to the park. As I was halfway round one lap, it started drizzling lightly, and so I finished the lap and headed straight out of the gate to head back to the house. Suddenly, it poured cats and dogs without warning.

I had two options. Find shelter and wait it out or run back and tough it out. I decided to run because I was already wet and had no idea how long the rain would last. I ran the 10 minute route back to the house in blinding rain, through big puddles over half a foot deep, and splashed by passing cars every once in awhile.

It was truly an experience to remember. I ran faster than I had before because I didn't want to stay out too long in the rain. Because it was cold and wet, I didn't have to sweat as much to keep my body heat down. And because I was pushing hard, not once did I feel cold or chilled.

It was exhilirating and brought me back to my childhood. I felt almost invincible and honestly didn't feel tired as a ran back sometimes at a half sprint during certain parts, and then a full out 100 meter sprint once I reached the final road.

A truly wonderful feeling.

Will I do it again? Probably not. Not intentionally anyway. I'm not going to actively go out in a thunderstorm. It's bothersome. I have to dry my shoes and wash my socks. There's a higher chance I'll fall sick even though I'm quite sure I'm not going to after today's run.

It's not something I'll intentionally seek out because there's so many things I can do if I see it's raining like going to the gym or doing an Insanity session in my livingroom.

But if I've already headed out for a run like today, and I'm stuck a significant distance from home without a phone, a car or even house keys, I'm going to run and have a blast.

I'm grateful for the chance.


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