Tuesday, October 9, 2012

What's your excuse?

It's tough to stay motivated.

Different people will have their reasons but for me, it's just that time is such a scarce resource. I actually wouldn't mind trading TV time or even social activities to get more exercise in but the things I have to trade off are all rather important.

I run a side business with my partners.

I'm heavily involved in my church of which my wife works at as a full time minister. I spend as much as three weekday evenings and part of both Saturday and Sunday in church or a church-related activity.

I'm at a stage in my career where I'm actively building it; although I make it a point not to stay back in the office late, I do quite a bit of work on my laptop at home and on-the-go to make sure I deliver.

I'm a father of the most beautiful one year old in the world. Enough said.

I make it a point to have dinner at least once a week with my parents, and my in-laws. Separately. And it's more now that their first grandchild has arrived.

So which one can be sacrificed? The short answer is: None.

Which is why I'm trying to make so much effort to find a way to still squeeze in three to four 20 to 30-minute sessions a week, and yet, not neglect any of these non-negotiables in my life.

Back to the topic of motivation. In order to keep going, on designated workout days, I visit sites for fitness inspiration and today, I stumbled upon the following picture found here.
This lady has three young kids all around a year apart from each other, runs her own non-profit business from home, and has managed to find the time, effort and determination to keep herself very fit.

I was curious enough to check out her blog and found this quote in one of her posts which spoke to me:

"As I get older, as my body ages, as my work changes and priorities shift, I will always challenge my body, fuel it with healthy foods and treat it like a temple that stores an unwavering spirit.

That is what fitness does. It protects the home of your spirit."

To be honest, it was refreshing to find someone who spoke about exercise in this way. Most fitness enthusiasts are rather 'extremist' and like to take a stance which makes you feel like they are telling you to "shut up and push up".

I appreciate that she relates it back to our spirit man and the way the bible talks about our bodies as the temple of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, taking care of our bodies, eating right, sleeping right and exercising right can all play a part in 'protecting' this temple.

It doesn't mean that we need to be extreme in this but it's good to have a consciousness of what contributes to health and to try to maintain them in our daily lives.

And health affects so many other parts of life. If you've ever gone through a season where you kept falling sick, you'd be able to notice how much more productive and effective you can be when you are healthier, clear minded and confident.

Done correctly, this is what exercise can do. Mark my words, it counts.


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