Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Here is an interesting comic strip showing the problem with buying a tablet, which I've seen some of my friends go through.

For myself, I still much prefer using my laptop at home and the iPad is basically my wife's destressment tool rather than one that boosts productivity.

This is why I think that the Microsoft Surface would have had a significant market to target had they produced a better product but reading the reviews, it's nowhere near the quality that is required, especially in terms of software.

I'm definitely going to be looking at their future, improved versions to replace my current seven year old laptop which is on its last legs if, and that's a very big IF, they get it as slick as the iPad but with its extra features which I like.

The question now is whether my laptop is going to last long enough for me to wait. For now, at least I have a work laptop to use for most of my computing requirements.


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