Monday, November 26, 2012

Writing update

Looks like I spoke too soon.

I'm not going to be able to complete that 20,000 words by November after all.

As of today, I've only written up till the third chapter and have about 11,000 words in total but I've only actually spent four nights writing.

Looking at my schedule, I'm not going to be able to spend any time writing at all until after December.

Not that I don't want to prioritise it; writing this story has been immensely enjoyable.

But it honestly takes out too much from me. I only have time after 10pm each night and if I start writing, even if I stop by midnight which is not likely, I still take such a long time to sleep after because my mind is so active.

I get fully immersed into the storyline as I'm writing and a million ideas are constantly going through my mind.

It honestly threw my life completely out of balance and there's too many important things which I cannot drop the ball on during this seaon.

So as of today, I'm taking a break from novel writing and hopefully starting back up in January where one of my resolutions for 2013 will be to finish it.

It's a shame though. We had a good thing going there, my book and I.


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