Saturday, January 12, 2013

Family Finances

After four months, it's getting pretty clear where the biggest problem lies during this season: miscellaneous expenses. We had our worse month yet in terms of spending in this area including two weddings, a baby full moon, a ton of Christmas presents and some Christmas dinners we covered.

Everything else was very well managed and going ahead, I'm either going to have to be more realistic in my budgeting for this category of spending or do something radical and extreme to cut down in this area...

And it doesn't look like it's going to get much better in the first quarter of 2013, with weddings, birthdays and Chinese New Year coming up.

I truly hope that I find a better way to manage this category because it's starting to really get on my nerves seeing it so ridiculously different from the budget each month. Something must be seriously broken in the system if I'm over 17% off budget in this area for December 2012.


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