Monday, January 14, 2013

Exercise update, Week 2

I got my very first pair of running shoes this week. In the past, I would either buy court shoes which I use for badminton and tennis, or basketball shoes which protect my ankles from sprains. But after the aches I got from running 13k from the cold the previous week, I felt it was necessary if I want to be serious about managing a 21k run this year.

I didn't do too well this week and only managed two workouts but had good, valid reasons why I missed my targets. I had a packed schedule in the evenings, and on Friday and Saturday, I decided not to push myself because I was leading worship at Church on Saturday, and wanted to be focused and prepared.

This is how the week looked:
  • Monday: Rest
  • Tuesday: 30 minute jog
  • Wednesday: Rest
  • Thursday: Rest
  • Friday: Rest
  • Saturday: Rest
  • Sunday: 45 minute gym

The 30 minute jog on Tuesday was rather productive. I jogged the 2km from my mother-in-law's house to the park, did a 1.1km loop and then took a break for two sets of push ups and pull ups on the equipment. I managed to get to 5 pull ups but it wasn't with perfect form so I'm still nowhere close the target of doing 10 good ones by this year. When my arms got too tired, I ran the 2.2km back to the house.

Then today, I wanted to make up for the lack of exercise the rest of the week and really pushed myself in the gym. I did 3 sets of the routine I've been using (push ups, dead lifts, squats, sit ups, shoulder press and inverted rows) but this time I tried with more weight to the dead lifts and squats.

3 sets of 8 dead lifts with about 50kg weight and 3 sets of 10 squats with about 30kg weight. As usual, I almost gave up halfway through the second set but managed to push through to the end. My back is going to ache like mad tomorrow.

I'm hoping to hit my targets next week but I'm not sure how much exercise I'm going to get because I'm going for a work trip from Wednesday to Saturday. I'm going to bring my exercise gear and hopefully slip in a morning jog or two in Johor.

Wish me luck!


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