Monday, January 14, 2013

Letter 12 (N)

Dear Natalie,

You are 1 year, 5 months and 5 days old today.

I recently spent some time reflecting on 2012 and came to a realisation that almost everything that was good in my life during the year was at least, in part, because of you. Of course, this could be because from the moment you were born, your mother and I have had to plan our entire lives to revolve around your schedule and needs!

When we were choosing your name before you were born, we found out that it related to the birthday of Christ (Christmas Day). Even though you weren't born anywhere close to this date, we felt in our hearts that this name was right for you and from the moment we chose it, your mother's fervent prayer has been that, just like Christmas, you would be a source of such joy to those around you.

And that's what you have been.

In your own cheeky way, you've wormed your way deep into the hearts of all those who have spent time with you. You've not reached an age where you know how to hide your emotions yet and so there's something quite special about the way you interact with those around you; there is a raw sincerity which us adults tend to lose as we grow older.

But you, you don't hold back at all, do you?

When you're upset, you cry and scream and rant, as though you were a drama queen in a Korean soap opera. When you want to play, you gleefully bounce all over the place, giggling at anyone who has the energy to entertain you. When you want to show that you love someone, you run to them with open arms to give your fearsome bear hug and sloppy kiss. And when you need comfort, you stretch out your arms and wail until you are picked up by the person you are crying to, so that you can rest your head on his or her shoulder in complete contentment and trust.

I want to thank you, baby girl. I've seen you cause so much laughter and happiness to family and friends around you. I've seen you bring family together, if at first just to see you, but inevitably to also spending quality time with each other at a slower pace that most of us had forgotten to do.

There's something profoundly precious about seeing you grow up bit by bit, and knowing that we're all playing a significant part of your life. You have had so much love lavished on you, which has been returned many times back to those giving love in the currency of pure joy.

And so as I reflect back on the year that has been, the one word to sum it up would have to be gratefulness.

I'm grateful for you and for being able to catch a glimpse of the level of intimacy that a parent and child can have in the early years (before the teenage years come and screw it up!). I'm grateful for those around us who have given so much unconditional love, and who run alongside us and encourage us. I'm grateful for God's unrelenting faithfulness through it all.

My prayer continues to be that you begin to comprehend the love and faithfulness of God for yourself as you grow up, and that if you ever decide to become more obedient (oh, dear God), that you would be obedient first and foremost to Him and only secondly to your parents.




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