Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Zombie Run Malaysia 2013

It's finally here - the very first official event in Malaysia for Zombie Run which has been happening all over the world.

I've been quite excited about it ever since I saw some of the videos of the event happening overseas and wondered if we would ever see it here.
The details are as follows:
  • Date: 2 Feb 2013
  • Venue: Canyon Paintball Park Bukit Utama, Petaling Jaya
  • Duration: 7am - 7pm
  • Team: 5 members / team
  • Contact:
  • More details at the official Facebook page
Basically, you have to form teams of five who will have to survive as they travel through a mapped out route where there will be zombies (people dressed up as zombies) chasing you through a jungle-like setting with broken walls, abandoned huts, destroyed cars, and so on.

If they follow the same format as the videos I've seen, the participants will wear tough-rugby type Velcro strips which can be pulled off and once they lose all of them, they 'die' in the game.

It sounds like an easy way to twist an ankle or break a wrist by falling during the chase and I'll have to ask permission from my wife to be away practically the whole day...but I think I'm going to do it! I'm currently discussing with my colleagues to submit a team.

Unfortunately, the registration to become one of the zombies has closed and you can only take part as one of the participants. Shucks, it would have been fun chasing down people dressed as a zombie with flesh dripping from my mouth.

Anybody else signing up?


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