Thursday, March 7, 2013

Letter 13 (N)

Dear Natalie,

You’re growing up way too fast and I sometimes wish that I had a remote control to pause life and catch my breath a little. You’re getting very talkative although I can’t understand a word you are saying half the time.

Your favourite thing to say nowadays is, “Where?” And you will combine it with any other word.



And then when the ‘object’ in question appears, you will exclaim in delight, “MAMA IS HERE!!!”

It is honestly so very cute.

You’d think that by now I’d have gotten used to having you around but it’s still an exciting adventure every single day. You just keep melting my heart with all your silly, naughty antics and I am completely incapable of resisting your charms.

To the absolute horror of all modern parents who hear this, I allow you to sleep on the bed between your mommy and I. I can’t help it. People talk about what you sacrifice when you do this – more disrupted sleep as the baby turns like a propeller all night and less romance with the wife.

But what I’ve realised is that you also gain so much. There’s such a closeness and bond holding your loved ones as they fall asleep – it’s one of the ultimate expressions of trust. And then there’s the countless times you take your time to wake up, rolling into my arms and just enjoying that I am next to you.

In these busy, hectic times, these extra moments of lazing around in bed and rolling around, whether when falling asleep or waking up are truly priceless. And I would not trade it for the world.

Even just lying there and watching you sleep contently has to be one of the most relaxing things after a stressful day at work. And then sometimes I reach across and hold your hand as I fall to sleep just for the heck of it.

As your mommy’s pregnancy becomes more and more obvious, there are too many people coming up to us and telling us that we shouldn’t be having kids so close together. Sometimes I feel that if there’s nothing constructive to say, then don’t say it.

I don’t mind if someone comes up and tells me about things I need to be aware of when having kids so close together. But giving me a ‘tsk, tsk’ and saying, “you shouldn’t because the first child hasn’t had enough attention yet” honestly doesn’t help that much.

Many of these are older women who dote on their first grandchild or nephew, and feel very defensive for that first child whom they utterly adore.

Can you imagine that? Your mommy’s been worried that I won’t love the second child as much as you, and then this long line of women are complaining that I won’t love you enough.

Everyone’s got a different opinion and many of them don’t help. At all.

You’re probably getting a bit worried. How am I going to ‘distribute’ my love?

Let me tell you.

You are always going to be my favourite baby girl. You’re the first. The one who has captured my heart. And nothing will ever change that or take that away. You mean everything to me and I've fallen head over heels in love with you.

And guess what? Your little sister is also going to be my favourite. What’s that you say? I can’t have two favourites? I used to be a subeditor by profession and you’re telling me how I should use the word, ‘favourite’?

As I was saying, she’s going to be my favourite too. She’s already starting to capture my heart while in your mommy’s tummy and she’s going to have me wormed around her little finger when she is born. I won’t be able be stop myself from giving her all my love and affection. She’s also going to mean everything to me.

You’re confused? OK, let me put it this way. Before you came along, your mommy was my favourite. There was no one I’d rather be with. And today, there’s still no one I’d rather talk to or hang out with.

She’s still my favourite. You’re my favourite too. And soon, your little sister will be my favourite too!

Does that make sense?

Don’t worry, in time, it should become clearer.




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