Sunday, April 28, 2013

Exercise update, Week 17

It was another basketball kind of week. Aside from squeezing in one run, I filled my weekend allocation with basketball already and feel no closer than last week to being anything remotely close to ready for the upcoming tournament.

I think that as you grow older, you're able to identify the aches in specific areas a lot more accurately whereas in the past, you'd only notice it more if there were a specific injury like a twisted ankle, pulled hamstring or shoulder strain. But it's been taking me three to four days to recover from an intense session of exercise even if I don't injure anything at all.

In terms of basketball, the pain my hamstrings and hip flexors make me walk like a hobbling old man. When I go heavy on the deadlifts, my lower back dies and after I do squats, I avoid stairs like the plague for a few days. I miss being young. And I'm finding it hard to accept how old I feel physically. I think that the disrupted sleep for the last 1.5 years from having a baby really accelerates the aging...

Here is the week's summary.
  • Monday: Rest day
  • Tuesday: Rest day
  • Wednesday: Rest day
  • Thursday: 11km run
  • Friday: Rest day
  • Saturday: 1.5 hours basketball
  • Sunday: 1.5 hours basketball

I'm glad I got to do at least one run although I wanted to target two, and even though I hadn't been training my running much, I was glad to be able to hit 11km in 55 minutes, which is basically a 12km per hour pace. I'm quite confident that I can finish the half marathon without experiencing the same torture as the first time I did it but the question is whether I can do it in sub two hours...

In the coming week, my brother and sister are visiting from Singapore and so my evenings are going to be full up unless they want to play badminton. I doubt it though because they are looking to rest as much as possible before getting back into the rat race. They leave on Thursday and Friday, and so I'll need to try to squeeze in a workout on Friday, and then target the two sessions of painful basketball again to fulfill my three sessions per week target.


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