Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Letter 14 (N)

Dear Nat-Nat,

Where did my baby girl go???

I’ve been looking through some old pictures to try to remember how it was when you were first born and prepare myself mentally for your little sister’s anticipated arrival.

As I looked back at the pictures, it really hit me…you’re not a baby anymore.

You’ve become such a beautiful little girl. You’re 1 year, 8 months and 12 days old today.

But I have to be honest, you have not outgrown your irrepressible cheekiness and propensity for naughtiness. You’re still so fierce and so stubborn, and you need to have your way NOW. And even when I hit your hand when you’re being especially difficult, you just look at me and scream “NNOOOOOO!!!” without even a hint of fear or hesitancy at all…

It probably doesn’t help that your grandparents on both sides are so very enamored with you, especially the ones who are providing day care for you. They let you have your way in just about EVERYTHING. You’re the queen of your entire universe and you haven’t even reached two years old yet.

I shudder to imagine what the terrible twos hold at this rate…

However, at the same time…you’re becoming so very smart and I feel proud of you every single day.

You seem to have an uncanny memory for your experiences. Just a month ago when we were in the waiting room of the clinic for a short time, you saw a cat outside the window. A month later when we walked in, you went straight to the window, looked out and asked, “Where cat?”

You insist on trying to put on your socks and shoes yourself, and taking them off yourself as well. And you actually get it right most of the time, except that sometimes you put the left shoe on the right foot and the right shoe on the left foot. And when you take off your shoes, you pick them up, walk over to the shoe rack and place it neatly, side by side, next to my work shoes even before we asked you to.

Every single night, you want to be read to sleep and even though sometimes I get tired of reading the same book to you for the 15th time...on the SAME night, I have to confess that I treasure those moments before falling asleep. I’ve started embellishing the stories I read to you for fun and you really enjoy it, although your mom is really not happy at the ways I change the story because I sometimes make it quite obscene…

This will be the last letter I write to you until your sister is born. From that point, you won’t have my undivided attention as a father anymore. But I want you to know that you’re always going to be my little girl and that I could never, ever love you any less with every day that passes.

I look forward to seeing you be a good ‘che che’ to Sam and believe with my heart that you’re going to be such a good example to her. Take care of her and beat up anyone who bullies her, OK?




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