Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Week 20

The wife is halfway through the pregnancy now and we had our next doctor visit today. The blood test results came back and they are all positive indications so it's good news so far. The doctor is now 99% sure it's a girl so for those of you holding out for a boy, there's still a chance.

The third ultrasound can be found here.

As you can see, Natalie is still very active, constantly moving around. She's going to be one of those energetic kids who run around until the parents are exhausted chasing but for now, I'm looking forward to it. At some points, you can see her heart beating, her mouth opening and closing, and her eyes making different expressions.

But depending if you're the mushy type with babies or not, you'll either go 'Aaawwwwwwwww...' or 'Wow, that looks like an alien'. I'll have you know that I had both these experiences at different times because I tend to watch the ultrasounds over and over again to see if there's anything I missed.

Somebody decided to use my computer to look up nursery design picturs and saved a specific pink one on my desktop. I still haven't identified who did it yet but I think there's a message in there for me somewhere.
(Though I have to admit, the design is kind of cute.)


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