Monday, April 25, 2011

Letter 1 (N)

Dear Natalie,

I think that I'm falling for another girl but I'm afraid to tell your mommy. The funny thing is that I'm not even sure whether this girl is really a girl yet...and I don't mean like those Thailand ladies. But somehow I feel quite assured that she will become the second most beautiful girl I will ever meet in my life - the first being your mommy, in case you were curious.

I've been telling those around me that you may be a girl and there are those who still find it hard to believe, and who are still holding out for a new gender diagnosis in future visits to the doc. This amuses me somewhat because for me, there's no reason to be wanting one gender over another; you're my baby and that makes you exceptionally special to me in every way.

Your mom and I have started talking and singing to you. I hope you can hear us and that we're not horribly out of tune. You tend to give a sharp kick every time you hear her raise her voice so I'm assuming that's to tell mommy to quieten down a little. It thrills me every time I feel your movements through her tummy so keep doing your somersaults and getting big and strong, OK?

I've made up my mind that you're going to be into sports since you seem so irrepressibly active anyway. I can teach you whatever you like and mommy can join in...or continue watching her Oprah reruns on TV while we have our sports outings. I look forward to watching you whupping all the boys' butts and showing them who's at the top of them all - and I fully believe that you will. No pressure, of course.

You know, you're going to make your grandparents on both sides incredibly happy. You're the first grandchild - can you imagine? With both of us having considerably older siblings who married far earlier, your daddy had to be the one who was careless with the condom usage. Once. OK, twice. You have to understand that it was holiday season (December) and therefore, holiday mood...

But anyway, it's turning out well. We're all ecstatic, happy and maybe a bit concerned as well, which we very well should be. This is the start of the most exciting chapter of my adventure with your mom so far - and it's all because of you.

I want you to know that I can't wait to meet you and that I keep you in my prayers every day.




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