Monday, August 1, 2011


My 28th birthday just passed. Reaching the big three-oh soon.

And as I look back on my life (which hasn’t been that long yet!), I can’t help but reflect on the things I wanted to achieve while in my 20s and how close I am to achieving them.

I remember when I was 18, I mapped out my ideal age for marriage which was 27…and I got married just over a week after my 27th birthday.

I wanted to have a baby by 30 and I’m going to have one just over a month after my 28th birthday…this one’s slightly early.

I wanted to start and follow through on a successful business, and I now have DC, which through hard work, I have no doubt will be very successful.

I wanted to ‘find’ my career…to realise what I was called to do as a vocation in this life. And as I evaluate where I’m at, I have to be brutally honest and admit that I still have no idea what I should be doing.

On some level, I constantly feel a deep and strong pull and reinforcement towards full time ministry. But I’ve made a deal with God that once I can enter in without having to worry about my family’s finances, I will go, and as contradictory as that sounds, I’m believing that it will happen – if timing is perfect, maybe I can start during my 30th year. But if it doesn’t work out, I don’t mind waiting until I grow old and die.

Even in my current marketplace work, I’m still not settled at all in what I’m supposed to be doing or my direction. I don’t know whether what I’m currently doing is where my strength and passion lies. And ultimately, I know that I still haven’t found it yet – the job that I love doing on a long-term basis.

And it’s not like I’ve been jumping from job to job thinking that the grass is always greener. I’m pretty loyal to my company which I’ve been in over six years now although in several different roles in total.

It’s not a myth, is it? Finding and doing what I love.


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