Wednesday, November 30, 2011

This blog

Now that it’s coming to the end of the year, I’ve been wondering what to do with this blog.

I started it January this year to test out certain things and many things that I wanted to do with it still hasn’t come to pass yet.

I had set myself a target of writing 3 posts a week relating to ‘Life’ on Monday, ‘Finances’ on Wednesday and ‘Leadership’ on Friday. This was because in my previous blog when I left it purely to creative whim, there would be periods where the blog would go untouched for a few months when I got busy or got distracted. So the first thing I wanted to test was whether putting in a more rigid structure would enable me to write more regularly.

In one sense, it worked in that I wrote more than before. However, I could not meet the 3 posts a week target often because of other commitments and many times, I would not write based on creative passion but with an obligatory approach towards the topic assigned to that day.

I also wanted to test whether I could write properly in what I had identified to be 3 main areas which I have an active interest in and I realise now that I can. But as mentioned above, when it was an obligatory post, many times I would not be happy with what I wrote; I just wanted to get it out to maintain momentum. Although…I do like some of the back posts I’ve written and so it wasn’t a complete waste.

I had rather grand plans to design a banner and slowly work through the bugs associated with this template because let’s face it, it’s terribly boring as it currently is. That never happened and the things I wanted to do to improve on the aesthetics and functionality never eventuated. If you have ever tried looking for the function of reading ‘previous posts’, you’ll find that it does not appear – this is not by choice but I could not tweak the template so that it activated no matter how what I tried. And I also still can't get the date to show up for each post which is rather annoying.

I wanted to get it done up properly before I started sharing the link to friends and after 11 months, it’s still not set up properly, and there’s a grand total of 3 people that I sent it to in the early stages in order to get feedback of which maybe 1 still comes back from time to time to check whether it’s still alive.

The truth is, it’s never really been ‘alive’. The only thing I had a measure of consistency in was to write a post once in awhile but I maybe only liked 1 out of 10 of them anyway.

So the big question is what to do with the blog. I deleted the last one – should I delete this one? I’ve tested what I wanted to test and found out a bit more about myself in regards to writing and blogging. I’m wondering whether facebook, twitter and tumblr-like blogs are replacing the old format used by wordpress and blogger to write thoughts and life updates.

If I do continue blogging, what should I do with the blog? I definitely need to change it up or even start a new blog from scratch with a more relevant angle because it’s gone nowhere for almost a year now.

And do I even have time and energy to write with all the things I’m handling in my life with a new baby and job role? I know I continue to be passionate about writing but every time I sit down and start a post, the tiredness begins to creep in very quickly and it’s easy to use the excuse of writer’s block to take a break…which then becomes an extended break.

Since I started this blog at the beginning of the year, I’m going to see it through until the end of the year. But expect wholesale changes the moment 2012 hits.

Maybe by the time you come back, this link will be dead and buried.


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