Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Letter 6 (N)

Dear Natalie,

Yesterday, I got ready for work and as I walked out of the bedroom and said bye to you, you burst into tears. It was the first time you had done that…for me (you had only displayed signs of separation anxiety with mommy before) and it absolutely melted my heart. I immediately ran in, picked you up and you gave me your biggest smile. Then I experimented saying bye two more times again and each time, you started crying.

I eventually had to crawl out while mommy played with you and distracted you but as I walked out of the home, I’ll have you know that I had the biggest smile on my face all the way to work. It truly made my day although it was at the expense of you crying.

You’re now approaching 7 months old and becoming a real handful to take care of! You started pulling yourself up to standing position at 5.5 months and crawling around effortlessly before you reached 6 months. Now you’re exploring the entire house, making sure to crawl into dark corners with plug points and pulling yourself up on all sorts of furniture at every opportunity.

Along with your new found capabilities, you now have your share of bruises and scratches on your face because sometimes we turn our backs for 10 seconds and you’ve already managed to crawl to the TV cabinet, pull out a drawer and fall on the corner of it...

We brought you to a family holiday at the beach last week. It was your first time on a plane, and the first time you’ve been out of the home you’re so comfortable with for almost a week. It was difficult and it was tiring but you came through with flying colours. We even caught a rather cute picture of you posing with your new sunglasses and sunhat.

It was quite a sight when we brought you home and you rolled around the bed squealing with delight and acting like you had been on a desert island without water for days before stumbling into a cool oasis.

You’re getting increasingly cuter and smarter as you grow up month by month. I’m starting to understand more now that babies are such extraordinary creatures who keep learning new things which we have taken for granted for most of our lives – passing an object from one hand to another, shifting your feet subtly to switch from crawling to sitting and vice versa, and so on.

And you’re revealing more and more of your personality and inclinations as well to be different from anything I could ever ‘condition’ you to be. You are yourself – Fierce and feisty, firm and confident, stubborn and strong-willed, and although you seldom smile or laugh, when you do, you brighten up the whole room and you brighten up my whole world.

What do the next few months hold? I don’t know.

But I can’t wait.




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