Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Baby blues

It’s been almost two weeks of a crazy period of time with the baby.

She fell sick two Fridays ago with a flu and runny nose. Then 2 days later, it developed into a bad, phlegmy cough. And despite going twice to the doc to get stronger meds, it’s still taking awhile for her to recover.

It affects her sleep and it affects her appetite, which then affects everything else. At the same time, she’s been going through a rather rough period of teething as well. It’s really bothering her to the extent that she sometimes bites on our arm, knee or even the door and screams in frustration.

Then 2 nights ago, she had a pretty scary fall. She jumped off the side of the couch and landed on the sharp corner of a stair. It punctured and cut her left eyelid, and there was a small patch of skin which had come off which we had to push back down to paste back.

Thank goodness it didn’t reach her eyeball. My heart drops every time I think about what could have gone wrong but I’m glad that it was just an external injury. It’s really making her fussy though because she keeps rubbing her eye and reopening the wound.

So there you go. A triple whammy of flu and phlegmy cough, teething pains and an eyelid wound. It has been tiring to say the least. And Nat’s not the most gentle of fussers…she’s louder than Sarah and I combined; I wonder where she got it from.


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