Sunday, January 20, 2013

Exercise update, Week 3

I'm quite happy at what I managed to accomplish this week because it was a very tough week to get my workouts in. Every day was very busy and I was outstation for a company trip for more than half the week.

I squeezed in a 7am workout on Thursday on the company trip but the gym was woefully equipped so I ended up just using the treadmill and some basic plyometrics. Then, in the evening there was some time to do some relaxing laps in the pool with colleagues. But I had to wait until the weekend to get some truly worthwhile workouts in.

Here is how the week looked.
  • Monday: Rest
  • Tuesday: Rest
  • Wednesday: Rest
  • Thursday: 10 minute jog to m-100s (morning), 30 laps in the pool (evening)
  • Friday: Rest
  • Saturday: 12km jog
  • Sunday: 45 minute gym

I've started joining the church group who run at 6am on Saturday mornings once in awhile because it's the only way I'm going to get enough running practice before attempting a half marathon sometime this year. They run a minimum of 10km and because it's so early, it's very cooling and the company makes the run less grueling and boring.

And for the Sunday workout, I was meant to go to the park again but it started pouring down right when I reached the location. Not to be deterred, I turned back home and headed straight the the gym for the standard workout routine I used last week as well. It's not as tough as I remembered and I may need to start to add some variation but maybe I just got a good rest last night.

I'm rather pleased with my progress and should be able to manage the half marathon maybe by mid-year (Standard Chartered run, anyone?). At the same time, I'm glad I got a good gym session in this week so the muscle loss isn't too bad from my focus on running and cardio.

What I'm looking to perform in well coming up in the short-term is the Zombie Run which is coming up in less than two weeks. Hope our team does respectably!


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