Saturday, March 23, 2013

My girl

During the course of parenthood, there are always some special moments that stand out and leave an impression on you.

Everything is so fresh because new things happen practically on a daily basis, whether from your baby meeting a new milestone or doing something unexpected which makes you smile.

I can remember back when I first started dating my wife. The first time we held hands, the first time she told me that she loved me, the first time we kissed - each time, my heart would be pounding, my hands would be sweaty, and I would not be able to sleep the whole night thinking about it.

Not that my wife and I no longer have these romantic moments. It's just different...calmer, more steady and without the extreme emotional highs and lows associated with dating.

But I digress. The last 2 nights hold particularly memorable moments for me.

2 nights ago, I had just drifted off to sleep and my daughter crawled over, gave me 3 hard kisses on my cheek and whispered "night, night". It's something I sometimes do to her - kiss her on the cheek and say goodnight - but I didn't expect her to do the same thing back to me yet.

Just to make sure that I heard her, she kissed me another 3 times and said, "night, night", a little louder. I forced myself awake to say "goodnight", and finally she was satisfied and lay down to sleep with a smile on her face. I did likewise. :)

And then last night, I kissed her on the cheek as she was falling asleep and wished her goodnight, and she decided to move over and sleep on my shoulder. Although I can't sleep when someone does that because of the warmth, I allowed her to sleep there for maybe a good half hour before moving her back to her own pillow - she eventually came back and slept on one half of my pillow anyway.

Some of these moments help me to understand why parents are willing to give everything for their children. And they remind me yet again that it's all worth it.

Although I do see the benefit of children having their own room and bed, at this point of time, this is something I wouldn't trade for the world.


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