Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Bill Watterson's career advice

Bill Watterson is my favourite cartoonist of all time. In my Calvin & Hobbes collection, my favourite book is the Tenth Anniversary one because Watterson takes the time to explain his thought processes and the background behind some of the key cartoons he has drawn.

Recently, a cartoonist named Gavin Aung Than decided to pay tribute to Watterson by illustrating some of the messages that Watterson gave in his 1995 commencement address at Kenyon College in 1995, in the style of the Calvin & Hobbes cartoon strips. In it, he told students to follow their heart and their dreams, and not to prioritise financial gain. He even encouraged that there was nothing shameful about raising your family over chasing a career, and taking less salary to pursue your passion.

I'm so inspired by this man who has made such an impact on my childhood and I'm glad that a friend sent me the link to the strip below. (If it's too small to read, you can go to the site directly.)


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