Thursday, January 2, 2020

2019 Goals Review

In the beginning of 2019, I wrote a list of ten achievable goals to try to hold myself accountable to over the course of the year.

  1. Write a 50,000 word novel
  2. Sign up and train for the Stan Chart half marathon
  3. Read one book a month regardless of genre
  4. Go for one camping trip
  5. Do a proper workout three times a week
  6. Play badminton with my daughters twice a month
  7. Lead worship with a guitar once
  8. Date night with wife once a month
  9. Teach one Equip class
  10. Set up a weekly fitness community at church

The first goal to write a novel was probably my most ambitious one. Interestingly, it's also the only one I 'outperformed'. I wrote a 50,000 word novel but I'm quite disappointed with the second half so I'm going to go back in this year to rework it before even thinking about my crazy dream to get published one day.

The reason why I over-performed was because I also started writing a fun fan-fic, which I've been updating from time to time with no pressure on writing quality. For this webnovel, I've actually written...73 chapters amounting to 146,000 words. The story's terrible but it still took a ton of time and effort!

The Stan Chart half marathon goal was a complete failure. I got put on the lottery list and was not able to secure a place in this popular event. In the end, the inability to sign up for a bib meant that I had absolutely zero motivation to train for running for the entire year.

For my third goal, I read a grand total of zero books across twelve months. That's all I'll say about that.

As always, Jerangkang was amazing, and a powerful reminder of the beauty of God's creation before man inevitably destroys it. My next goal will be to bring my wife and kids to a camping trip this year but I'll look for a 'soft landing' location for their first experience!

For my workouts, I most likely only managed to hit my weekly target around 70 percent of the weeks this year. Better than nothing, but definitely could be improved.

In terms of my badminton sessions with the kids, I only managed three or four times across the entire year. This is revealing, not only for this sport, but that I need to spend more quality time with them this year. I won't get these years back.

I led worship once at prayer meeting with a guitar, and another time in Kidz Church. Not sure if that counts, but I probably won't do it again unless I dramatically improve my skills.

For my eighth goal, I probably didn't fulfill this...since the wife and I work in the same office, we have breakfast almost every weekday but I'm pretty sure 'date night' for her is more like the dress up, romantic dinner out without kids, type. Plenty of room for massive improvement here.

Regarding Equip, I actually taught two classes this year, each of them four weeks long: The Millennial Question and Intro to Counselling. Pretty happy about it but for this year, I'm hoping to do a more theological topic.

Finally, we set up a regular fitness community in church called Healthy Thursdays, where we had decent consistency. We'll continue this year.

All in all, I think I achieved more of my goals for 2019 than any other year before but it's also because I set the bar pretty low. I know people always ask you to aim high but I'm not sure if that works well for me in the context of yearly resolutions.

Cheers to another year of low expectations and low targets for 2020! I'll write them out...soon.


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