Monday, August 15, 2011

Letter 3 (N)

Dear Natalie,

It’s Week 36 already and you will be considered ‘full-term’ if you pop out sometime between Week 38 and Week 42. I still can’t imagine the thought of actually meeting you in person in potentially two weeks! I’m thinking that I may be too scared to hold you because you would be so small and fragile, so maybe I’ll reach over, shake your hand and say, “Nice to meet you”.

Soon, I’ll be able to write these letters to you and accompany the posts with actual pictures of you so that it’s not just ultrasounds. That reminds me, I should be scouting around for affordable cameras and video cameras in order to capture all the memories which we’re going to create together as a family. I really can’t wait.

Your mother and I visited the delivery wards last weekend in order to ensure that the first place you’ll see is up to snuff. I liked what I saw – the rooms are clean and the nurses are friendly, but to be honest, I never liked that detergent smell of hospitals.

Please make sure that you don’t take too long to come out, OK? One of our friends just gave birth to her first child and was in labour for 28 hours! For the love of God, have a little mercy and try to come out a little sooner than that…especially since your brave mother has bravely decided that she does not want an epidural. I know you’re quite comfortable in your home of 9 months but when it’s time, you need to be bold and courageous to move forward where you’ve never gone before.

You know, nowadays every night before I sleep, I’ll leave my hand on your mother’s stomach (while she snores away) for a good 20 to 30 minutes to feel you move. I’ll have you know that you move quite vigorously around midnight as though you can’t wait to burst out…OK, wrong use of words. But it really feels like it’s our very own personal time with each other and with each kick and turn, I imagine you’re trying to tell me something.

It’s the most magical moment in each day for me and to be honest, it makes me tear up each time. I complain about emo guys all the time and I guess I’m rather emotional in certain ways as well. You’ve very quickly started to occupy a rather special place in my heart already and not a waking hour goes past without me thinking about you.

Child of my wife…and of me, I love you.




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