Monday, October 3, 2011


It’s been a month since I blogged and it’s not because nothing’s been happening in my life that is blog-worthy. On the contrary, things have been so crazy and busy that I don’t even have the energy to log into blogger to update. So here’s a really quick summary.

The wife gave birth to our beautiful baby girl at 11pm, 9th September, 2011, weighing in at 2.68 kg.

I’ve never seen more strength displayed in a woman than when she’s in labour and then pushing the baby out. I can’t believe that women have gone through this experience billions of times over the course of the human race. As the baby got ready to come out, I looked to the heavens and thanked God for the millionth time that evening that I was born a male.

The baby is more beautiful than I could ever expect or hope for. You know how they say that newborn babies are ugly and not to have any expectations for how cute they are? Well, Natalie came out absolutely adorable and continues to grow more gorgeous every single day. If I could hold her for 24 hours a day, I would…but she would get too used to being held and I also need to work so that I can feed my family.

The wife and I have a newfound respect for our parents and for any parents out there. Getting used to the night feeds 2 or 3 times a night is an understated feat which many parents just get on and do without much fuss. It is so disruptive. Waking up and sleeping again repeatedly through the night drains and wears you out faster than you could imagine, then going to work the next day and keeping focused on the tasks is another challenge on its own.

I’ve heard some couples who are also going through their first pregnancy claim that they are not going to let the baby affect and change their lifestyle much. They will set about training the baby to sleep through the night and still go out for mamaks with their friends.

Reality check.

A baby changes everything. Lifestyles will turn upside down whether we resist it or not. If there is a choice between going out to mamak at night or catching up on an hour or two of sleep, sleep wins out, every single time. If you thought it was difficult to schedule exercise in when you were trying to lose weight for the wedding, even if I find a bit of time some days, I have not followed through each time because my energy levels constantly feel like a dead battery.

It might change in future months but as of now, one month has passed and let’s be clear about this: Everything changes.

(Note that the entire summary is about the baby. Yes, that has been my entire life for a month.)


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